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Angiolini (USA)
Becauseicouldntsee (IRE)
Butsadtohavetogo (IRE)
Cloudland (IRE)
Dangerousdanmagru (IRE)
Don Julio A (ARG)
Dontcallusweelcalu (IRE)
Flatfoot Boogie (FR)
Forsomeonelikeyou (IRE)
Gonebeyondrecall (IRE)
Halfthemaniusetobe (IRE)
Haven\'ttimetothink (IRE)
Im So Lonely (GB)
Inamalabalusaloon (IRE)
Isalwaysonmymind (IRE)
Island Myth (IRE)
Isleofhopeantears (IRE)
Johnyyouronlyjoken (IRE)
Kilvoydansouth (IRE)
Mabeywhoknowsmabey (IRE)
Myfirstanonlylove (IRE)
Native Scout (IRE)
Neverknownfreedom (IRE)
Nice Love (IRE)
Notin Hapened (IRE)
Old Mcdonald (GB)
Oneknightmoreihope (IRE)
Ophorique (FR)
Praetorian Gold (GB)
Sammagefromtenesse (IRE)
Surely Truly (IRE)
Swing West (USA)
Thaticouldntsayno (IRE)
The Mighty Sparrow (IRE)
The New Mcdonald (IRE)
Therangersdaughter (IRE)
Thetearsthaticry (IRE)
Thewritinonthewall (GB)
Tiger Island (USA)
Totheroadyouvgone (GB)
Wepushourlucksofar (IRE)